Monday, November 22, 2010

Devil may cry 3


 Where Devil May Cry 2 failed DMC 3 succeeded and then some. Injecting some much needed life back into the franchise the game is a prequel to the first game and players control a young and energetic dante just getting a grasp on his powers for the first time. The wise cracks are back as Dante faces off against his brother Vergil in one of the hardest games of all time. The first game was very hard and the second game was fairly easy. The third game is straight up brutal. Although you are given a variety of over the top weapons to do battle with the enemies you face are just relentless and sometimes number in ten at a time. If you are lucky enough to make it to any of the bosses you are treated to some of the toughest fights in videogame history. The hardest ones coming against your own brother who fights like a mirror image of Dante. Although this game was terrific the difficulty was almost too much at times but this one is still far better than the 2nd one but not quite as good as the first

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